모델/출연자 모집 : 기타
145,814 개

이곳의 게시물들에 대해서 필커는 아무것도 보증하지 않고 책임지지 않습니다.
충분한 정보를 얻고 신뢰할만 하다는 판단이 될때만 지원하시기 권합니다.

기업문화 소개영상 찍으실 배우분 구합니다.(영어가 모국어인 분)

2017년 08월 13일 13시 14분 55초 250
제작 아주그룹 크리에이티브 A 2기 
작품 제목 아주그룹 기업문화 소개영상 
감독 장신효 
극중배역 30대 초중반 움직이면서 발표가 가능한 프리젠터 
촬영기간 8월18일~20일 
출연료 40만원 
모집성별 남자 
담당자 장신효,프로듀서 
전화 010-4166-2478 
이메일 개인정보 보호를 위해 로그인한 회원에게만 보입니다.
모집 마감일 2017-08-16 

근무 요일 : 8/18(금) - 8/20(일)


나이:20대 후반~30대 초반 영어가 모국어인 남성


급여 : 40만원 (식사 제공 Meals served)


Host Company : 아주 그룹 (www.aju.co.kr)

Format : fake documentary

Subject : Corporate Culture Promotion Video

Video Showtimes : ??

Role : Presenter (레퍼런스 영상 링크 첨부)




우대 사항


- 비슷한 연기 경험자

- 발음이 정확해야함 (Exact pronunciation)

- 깔끔한 이미지 (Clean image)

- 캐주얼 정장 복장준비 가능한 분 (Formal wear)


일정 공지       

(금) 서울특별시 서초구 강남대로 351 청남빌딩 (오후 5시 - 10시)

(토) 서울특별시 서초구 강남대로 351 청남빌딩 (오후1시 - 3시 30분)

       아주산업(오후5시 - 8시)

(일) 서울특별시 용산구 한남대로 98 일신빌딩,이탈리아대사관 (오전7시 - 9시)

       용두동 꿈터 (오후1시 - 4시)


*일정은 차후 상황에 따라 약간의 변동이 생길 수 있습니다.

*장소 이동시 촬영장비와 모든 스텝분들과 같은 차량으로 함께 이동합니다.


채용 일정


접수기한 : 2017. 8.12 - 2017.8.16

· 접수방법 : 이메일 접수

· 전형절차 : 이력서,3분정도의 예시 대본 동영상 첨부(필수),대본 예시는 아래페이지에 있음

· 결과 발표 :  2017. 8.17(목) *대상자 개별통보

지원 영상과 지원소개서는 roseclara@naver.com 또는 wkdtlsgy@naver.com 로 보내주시기 바랍니다.


script example

1. Chungdam Office


Door opens, presenter (P) starts a conservation in the office.


P: Aju Group began its history in 1953, when the founder Tae Shik Moon founded Aju Cement Industrial Company. He expanded the busniess by replacing wood utility poles  with concrete poles, which became the basis of Aju Group today.


2. Aju Remicon


In 1987, Aju group established Aju Remicon, starting the ready mix concrete business, and also entered the tourism and leisure industry in the same year. The foundation of Aju IT in 1999, expanded  its business to the IT sector.


3. Car Dealershop


The Aju Group continues to exapnd and develop its business. As you see, with Aju Motors, Aju Group began car sales and distribution business since 2006. Aju Group has been diversifying and fleshing out its business from the old concrete company.


Under the founder's Pioneer Spirit,  Aju continues to  practices create new values and advance and  strengthen its business.


4. Dream Place


Aju Group desires to be a trusted and respected company, rather than a company only seeking for a porfit. Aju group acknowledges the reciprocity between theń company and the society, always returning back to local communities.



Looking for an actor to participate in our film



Dates: 8/18(Friday) ~ 8/20(Sunday) three days in total

Requirements: male, around 20-40 yrs old

Payment: 40,0000 KRW in total (meals provided)


About the role:

We are planning to shoot a short fake documentary film about our host company Aju group (www.aju.co.kr) to promote their company culture. You will take on the role of the presenter - further reference about the role ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0MdK8hBkR3s)


Preferences: experiences in similar genre of film, mother tongue in English, Clean image, someone who can bring a semi formal set of clothes


Shooting schedule:

(Fri) Cheongdam Bldg., 351, Gangnam-daero, Seocho-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea (17:00 - 22:00)


(Sat) Cheongdam Bldg., 351, Gangnam-daero, Seocho-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea (13:00 - 15:30)

Aju Industry (17:00 - 20:00)


(Sun) 98, Hannam-daero, Yongsan-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea

Italian Embassy (07:00 - 09:00)

Yongdu-dong GGumteo (13:00 - 16:00)


*schedule is subject to change

*the actor will be travelling between locations with the staff


Apply for this job:

Send a brief CV and a short video (maximum 3 minutes) of you reading and acting out the sample script we provided to roseclara@naver.com or wkdtlsgy@naver.com

We will contact you individually on the 8/17 with the results. We look forward to seeing you!


-Script sample

Dialog example

1. Chungdam Office


Door opens, presenter (P) starts a conservation in the office.


P: Aju Group began its history in 1953, when the founder Tae Shik Moon founded Aju Cement Industrial Company. He expanded the busniess by replacing wood utility poles  with concrete poles, which became the basis of Aju Group today.


2. Aju Remicon


In 1987, Aju group established Aju Remicon, starting the ready mix concrete business, and also entered the tourism and leisure industry in the same year. The foundation of Aju IT in 1999, expanded  its business to the IT sector.


3. Car Dealershop


The Aju Group continues to exapnd and develop its business. As you see, with Aju Motors, Aju Group began car sales and distribution business since 2006. Aju Group has been diversifying and fleshing out its business from the old concrete company.


Under the founder's Pioneer Spirit,  Aju continues to  practices create new values and advance and  strengthen its business.


4. Dream Place


Aju Group desires to be a trusted and respected company, rather than a company only seeking for a porfit. Aju group acknowledges the reciprocity between theń company and the society, always returning back to local communities.

* 총 게시글 수 : 2
* 총 댓글 수 : 0
* 추천받은 게시글 개수 : 0
* 추천받은 댓글 개수 : 0
2017년 08월 12일 가입
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