[Fashion brand] We are looking for Korean/foreign models to participate in social content image shooting.

Ariana07 2024.03.20 10:06:48 제작: VI 작품 제목: Fashion Brand SNS Content Shoot 감독: VI 극중배역: 20s 촬영기간: 3월 말~4월 초 출연료: 회차당 30만원~ 40만원 협의 모집인원: 1 모집성별: 남자, 여자 담당자: 전화: 이메일: sangeun.choi@visualint.co.kr 모집 마감일: 2024-03-31

Hello, we are looking for Newest Small Fashionbrand social content image shooting models.


We plan to shoot about twice a month for SNS content.


Date of filming: Undecided

Shooting time: Half time/undetermined

Shooting location: Undecided


Fee: 30만원 (after 3.3% tax deduction) / half day 


[Conditions for the casting model]

-Women in their 20s to early 30s/Men's fashion model
-Look for fashionable photoshooters or stylists.
- Only those who have experience filming Instagram, fashion or beauty brands, please apply.
-Look for people who can make a conceptual mood (Geek, Unique) expression and expression well.
-Women: Over 170 cm / Men: Over 180 cm


[How to Apply]

- Send an email to  Sangeun.choi@visualint.co.kr

 ‘Name / Gender / Year of Birth’ as the subject of the e-mail

- Attached Comcard or portfolio

- Please enter your nationality 

-Please apply only expeienced fashion film or shoots

pay: 300,000 won~ (after tax deduction), shot twice a month

Brand: It's confidential, so I'll let you know when I'm invited to film.
Scope and duration of photo usage: Domestic brand social media (Meta, TW) account (feed, advertisement, reels, still image) /
1 year (maintain content that has already been uploaded)

Then, please support us a lot.