We are currently looking for biracial child actor for our upcoming short!

Somyungs 2023.10.18 23:01:24 제작: 강소명 작품 제목: 미정 감독: 강소명 극중배역: 혼혈 딸아이 역 촬영기간: 11월 1일에서 10일 중 3-5회차 (바뀔수 있음) 출연료: 회차당 10만원~ 20만원 협의 모집인원: 1명 모집성별: 여자 담당자: 강소명 전화번호: 010-9503-2880 이메일: somyungpaul@gmail.com 모집 마감일: 2023-10-24

Hello, we are currently looking for an biracial actor with a African and Korean origin for one of the lead roles in our upcoming short film.

Our character in this short is bright. However, she also has a emotional moment during the short.


The actor we are casting must have few conditions to be met.

1. Somewhat comfortable in either English or French.

2. Able to comfortably communicate in Korean.

3. The age range must be from 8 to 12.


If you are interested for one of the lead roles in this short film, please us send your profile/portfolio with a brief introduction about yourself by email.


Thank you.


Genre: Drama 


Run time: under 15 minutes


Disclaimer: The short will be shot mostly in the Yongin (용인) Area.

(Filming location may change according to the situation.)


Payment: 10만원 (Per Shooting Day)