동국대학교 단편과제 20-40대 외국인 백인 남자배우 구합니다

jadexuu 2022.06.03 19:00:06 제작: 동국대학교 과제 작품 제목: a film 감독: 하백량 극중배역: 30대 남성 촬영기간: 6월19일 1회차 출연료: 회차당 5만원~ 10만원 협의 모집인원: 6 모집성별: 남자 담당자: pd 전화번호: 010-2798-9671 이메일: jadexuuu@gmail.com 모집 마감일: 2022-06-10


주인공은 아침 일어나서 밖에 나갈수 없다.  두발이 문밖으로 나갈때 마다 방안으로 다시 들어온다. 


The main character cannot go outside after waking up in the morning.  Every time two feet go out the door, they come back into the room.



Director : I’m so proud of it (pause a bit), but I kind of feel sorry for her.


Cinematographer : What ? But why? She’s just doing her job.


Director : No, that’s not the point. How long is it now?


Cinematographer : It's only about three minutes now.


Director : How about we make this short, I think it’s long enough, and I want to adjust the concept a bit, it’s just too much now.


Cinematographer : Alright,  you’re the director.  But you know they’re watching us, right? It’ll be weird if you change (switch characters before saying change and cut to close up) something now.


Director :  It’ll be weird if you change something now 


Director 부분 대사 오디션 영상 찍어서 메일로 보내주시면 됩니다.