English speaking dark-skinned actor for a comedy gangster film

FavouriteA 2022.12.24 14:44:39 제작: 미미닛 작품 제목: Perfect Translator 2 감독: J Yang 극중배역: Michael 촬영기간: Mid/end January 출연료: 회차당 20만원~ 30만원 협의 모집인원: 1 모집성별: 남자 담당자: 전화번호: 이메일: nurhymefilms@gmail.com 모집 마감일: 2023-01-18



We are looking for an experienced black/African-descent actor in his 20-40s for a comedy gangster film. Must be fluent in English. The role is paid.


■ Running time: 7 minutes

■ Location: Seoul


Michael - Michael is relatively high up in his crime organisation. He can’t speak any Korean. He’s full of energy and always quite excited. He is physically strong. 


The film is a sequel to our first ‘translator’ video: https://youtu.be/yzKAW7neXN0

The Youtube channel that the film will be released is a relatively new channel, but the number of subscribers and views are increasing rapidly. We have agreements with other Youtube channels and Instagram accounts that are making promotional shorts of our videos like this one which has gained over 4.4 million views https://youtube.com/shorts/SJxeqQ59hj4?feature=share

You will be working with a Korean director from overseas, so you can expect a high standard of English and Korean directions.


There may be a callback to see how the shortlisted actors fit with the shortlists of other roles.


■ Pay: Minimum of 200,000 won per day (negotiable once confirmed)

■ Audition dates: Last week of December or first week of January

■ Shoot date: Mid/end of January

■  Application:

Please put ‘마이클역/your name’ in the subject of the email to nurhymefilms@gmail.com.

Please attach headshots, full-body shots and your showreel. 


Thank you