외국인 남.여 배우 구합니다. (남2 여2 / 목소리 배우 / 원어민) / Looking for male and female actors (Voice actor / Native Speaker only )

kyumko 2017.11.21 18:33:00 제작: VIVE STUDIOS 작품 제목: 볼트2 (가제) 감독: 이현석 극중배역: 20대 중반 캐릭터들 촬영기간: 12월 7일 녹음 (변동될수 있으나 1회차) 출연료: 30~50만원 (추후 협의) 모집인원: 4 모집성별: 남자, 여자 담당자: 고경민 PD / Producer Erika Ko 전화번호: 010-2181-1108 이메일: kyumko@vive-studios.com 모집 마감일: 2017-12-05

3D VR Film 목소리 출현할 외국 배우분들을 찾습니다. (남2, 여2)

대사가 많지 않은 10분 분량의 VR 3D Film (영화적 구성 SF/Fantasy 장르) 

캐릭터별로 성격과 대사 몇줄을 적어 드리니 이력서와 녹음한 목소리 파일들을 이메일로 전달주세요.

자격조건: 외국인 등록증 소지자 / 결격사유가 없는 분들

사진프로필 필수 x, 목소리 베리에이션 담아 여러 파일전달 가능 

12월 7일 녹음 예정 


이메일: kyumko@vive-studios.com

비브스튜디오스 웹사이트: http://vivestudios.com/


남자 캐릭터:

볼트/Volt (26세) : 

쾌활하고 밝은 성격. 호탕하고 다혈질 적인면을 가지고있다. 플럭스라는 특별한 힘의 소유자.


바조우/Bajowoo (20-30대 정확한 나이가 밝혀지지 않음)

무법자들의 도시를 지배하려는 지하세계의 왕. 플럭스를 사용하는 능력자들을 증오한다.


여자 캐릭터:

아베로에스/Averoes (26세) :

 차가운 성격의 소유자, 어릴적 아픈 기억을 가지고 있다.  


마담 란/Madame Ran (28세) :

호탕하고 터프한 성격. 볼트에게 의뢰를 전달한다.


샘플 대사 :

Volt : What do you think Bajowoo's gonna do with the Flux? 

        His plan must be to refine the Flux and sell'em on the market to make people into flux addicts.


Volt : I told you not to eat everything, huh? 


Bajowoo :  Urgh...You're all nothing without the power of Flux...Why should you be so speical!


Averoes : Watch this! This is what happens because of people like you who try to sell off the Flux!


Madame Ran : Bajowoo's gang just robbed the main federal bunker while the city was blacked out. Do you have any

                     idea what's inside the bunker? 



Looking for voice actors (2 male, 2 female / Native speaker only)

We are producing a 10 min 3D VR Film (SF/Fantasy genre). 

No shooting on the set, recording voice only. 

Not many lines. Highly prefer if you can make a variation in tone of voice. 

Vive Studios website:  http://vivestudios.com/



I have written the brief information and sample lines down below.

Please send your resume, and your recorded voice files through e-mail. 

No photo profile necessary, but you can still send it, if you want to.

You are very welcome to send multiple files with different voices that you can make. 

E-mail: kyumko@vive-studios.com

Requirement: Anyone who is allowed to work in Korea; Alien registration card holders. 

Here's the brief information for each characters and their lines below.

The recording schedule : Dec 7th (we may change the date, if we need to) 


Male characters:

Volt (age 26) : Very playful, cool, and easygoing. Short-tempered. He has an ability to use Flux power. Flux is small crystals with

                    the power to imbue superhuman power. 


Bajowoo (age ?? between 20s and 30s) : a gang mastermind, he hates and jealous of those who can use Flux power. 


Female characters:

Averoese (age 26) : a cold-hearted / she seems calm but has no mercy for the weak. 


Madame Ran (age 28) : strong independant woman and she's hardcore.  



Volt : What do you think Bajowoo's gonna do with the Flux? 

        His plan must be to refine the Flux and sell'em on the market to make people into flux addicts.


Volt : I told you not to eat everything, huh? 


Bajowoo :  Urgh...You're all nothing without the power of Flux...Why should you be so speical!


Averoes : Watch this! This is what happens because of people like you who try to sell off the Flux!


Madame Ran : Bajowoo's gang just robbed the main federal bunker while the city was blacked out. Do you have any

                    idea what's inside the bunker?