[Pluripotentstudio / Independent film / 18-35yrs / Paid ] Looking for foreign actors in S. Korea.

플포 2021.01.26 15:55:21 제작: Pluripotent Studio 작품 제목: Physical Reflexivity 감독: Ryan L. 극중배역: 18-35 yrs 촬영기간: March 2021 / (Could be delayed) 출연료: 회차당 10만원~ 20만원 협의 모집인원: 10 모집성별: 남자, 여자 담당자: Jihyae Lee 전화번호: 이메일: admin@pluripotentstudio.com 모집 마감일: 2021-04-22



Dear talented actors,


I hope you are faring well during this pandemic crisis.


We are planning to gradually initiate the pre-production stage of the next film project with caution, proper social distancing, and potentially producing after the vaccination made available for the general public.


Well, I was talkative. One picture is worth a thousand words. Please take a look at our past films and see if the style is something you find interesting.




Our next project will be about a group of friends invited to a big house which then undergoes some sort of 4th-dimensional physical distortion where the protagonists encounter some strange situations, and more interesting stories unfold from there. 


We are looking for both female and male actors in the age range between 18-35 residing currently near Seoul. For the purpose of this project solely, we are initially looking for non-Korean and English speaking actors.


Please send your portfolio in preferentially PDF format (PPT is fine too) and anything you wanted to mention in the email. 

