★DOP/Camera Operator Needed For Independent Foreign Film★

Michael 2010.01.18 11:36:55 제작: Michael Arnold 작품 제목: Escapade 감독: Michael Arnold 모집분야: 촬영 투자 진행상황: 완료 캐스팅 진행상황: 주연완료 참여기간: 2010년 1월~2010년 3월 페이: volunteer 모집인원: 1명 모집성별: 구분안함 담당자: Michael Arnold 전화번호: 010-9232-6453 이메일: mike_arnold@hotmail.com 모집 마감일: 2010-01-29 구인 종류:

It is a 90 minute romantic/sad/drama                                             
Small independent feature film being shot in Seoul on weekends and the occasional weekday evening beginning in (Roughly)the last week in January until the 1st or 2nd week in March (roughly 20 shooting days)
Everything is  in place except we need a good DOP/Camera Operator
I will pay for Food and transportation costs and equipment rentals,If the DOP/Camera Operator really cant work for free I can pay him or her a small amount 
It  will be shown at film festivals around the world and you will get recognition later

If you are interested,have any questions please contact me asap as we would like to start planning the shooting schedule

Michael Arnold

 Michael Arnold

and Michael.English 010 9232 6453

Miss Jung. Korean 011 9614 7674