Call for Actors / Русским актерам нужны

TimPaugh 2021.07.23 22:12:56 제작: No Soul Films 작품 제목: Gangster Film (Untitled) 감독: Tim Paugh 모집분야: 기획 제작, 시나리오 투자 진행상황: 시작안함 캐스팅 진행상황: 진행중 참여기간: Summer / Fall 2021 (Expected) 페이: To be negotiated 모집인원: 모집성별: 남자 담당자: Tim Paugh 전화번호: 010-7211-2985 이메일: 모집 마감일: 2021-08-13 구인 종류:

Project: Untitled Gangster Film (Short Film)


Expected Shooting Schedule: Summer-Fall 2021 in Busan


Payment: To be negotiated


Synopsis: After getting into debt with some Russian gangsters, Nick is forced to take on a grisely assignment: murder the boss's mistress and bring him the child they had together. But as he goes about his mission, Nick begins to question not only his mission, but his very identity. 


Please submit a profile with photos, and any relevant video clips or links. Auditions will be done in person or (if necessary) over Zoom. 




Dimitri: Leader of a small Russian crime gang in Busan. The ideal actor should be Russian, speak some English, and be in their late 30s to early 50s. 


Alexi: A high-ranking member of a Russian gang based in Busan. The ideal actor should be Russian, speak good English, and be in their 20s or 30s. Some light action sequences will be involved. 


Nick: An expat who's been roped into doing a job for Dimitri's gang. The ideal actor should be a native English speaker, tallish, and in their 20s or 30s. Some action sequences will be involved.