Looking for a talkative foreigner model/actor

돌순 2021.05.11 23:14:25 제작: Youtube channel 작품 제목: Youtube reaction content 감독: MJ 극중배역: talkative guest for reaction content 촬영기간: 14/05/21 출연료: 회차당 5만원~ 10만원 협의 모집인원: 1 모집성별: 남자, 여자 담당자: MJ Kwon 전화: 010-2621-5601 이메일: dancingpolarbearsM@gmail.com 모집 마감일: 2021-05-13

Looking for a talkative foreign model/actor guest for youtube reaction contents.
The age/gender/nationality doesn't matter, but we need someone who enjoys talking, with a pinch of wit!
If you know well about music or filmmaking or Asian singers/songs it's a plus but not a must. 
It's good if you can speak some Korean but not must. But for communication, you must be fluent in Korean or English or both. 
The shooting date is 19th, May this Friday, probably for 1-2h(max 2h) in the afternoon.
Payment is 100,000 won. 
for application please send us an email with a simple profile, pictures and video links of you.
A short introduction will be helpful but if you don't have time for it it's ok with just a simple profile. 
Looking forward to hearing from you, thank you!