[마감] Looking for International Senior People living in Korea! / 외국인 시니어를 찾습니다~!

GoldLightBulb 2022.02.23 22:18:14 제작: Youtube channel 작품 제목: interview 감독: Moon 극중배역: Interviewee 촬영기간: 1 출연료: 모집인원: 0 모집성별: 남자, 여자 담당자: Moon 전화: 010-7753-8043 이메일: youlrim.moon@gmail.com 모집 마감일: 2022-03-12

I'm looking for an international senior person for Youtube Content.


It's a simple conversation interview that shows your personality. So you don't need to prepare anything before video shooting.


If you are...

- Not a Korean

- Senior (above the 60s)

- Can communicate in English

- Can have a video shoot in Sangam-dong, Seoul


Payment is 50KRW(1hr) or 100KRW(2hrs) depending on the length of the video shoot.


Please send me your bio or profile or social media account to my email youlrim.moon@gmail.com

Also, if you have any questions, please feel free to ask me through email or call.



Best regards,
