인공지능 데이터 모델 구합니다(짧은 촬영!) AI data model, 20s-30s white people, a short shoot

목소리구합니다 2022.07.28 16:17:22 제작: snowhite 작품 제목: snowhite 감독: snowhite 극중배역: 20s white people 촬영기간: 1회 30분 내외(1time, about 30 minutes) 출연료: 회차당 5만원~ 10만원 협의 모집인원: 4 모집성별: 남자,여자 담당자: snowhite 전화: 이메일: bany_p@sruniverse.kr 모집 마감일: 2022-08-03

We're collecting data that make AI appearance!
It doesn't go out as it is, but it's a material to make a new appearance, so there's no exposure to your face or appearance! (It ends in 30 minutes, and the pay is 70,000 won.)


What you're going to do here is
- Forward/left/right/up/down 5 times each
- a five-minute reading of the script


We are recruiting white models in their 20s and 30s.

You need to be able to do basic skin makeup and  need to set their hair.


Receipt method: Email only

Please apply us by e-mail


Be sure to write down your age and attach photos of the front, left, and right sides of your face!

Please write down the number you want to call!

Please write [short, AI model] on the subject of the email