*Domestic Clothing brand (casual) foreign male models

crunchpibu 2024.01.23 17:50:55 제작: AMA 작품 제목: *Domestic Clothing brand (casual) foreign male models 감독: AMA 극중배역: Foreign male models in their 20s with unique and good visuals 촬영기간: 2/15 출연료: 회차당 50만원~ 100만원 협의 모집인원: 1 모집성별: 남자 담당자: AMA 전화: 010-2132-3338 이메일: profile@ama-korea.com 모집 마감일: 2024-01-26

*Domestic Clothing brand (casual) foreign male models


-Schedule: Feb 15th

- Location: Gangnam-gu, Seoul Studio

-Model: Foreign male models in their 20s with unique and good visuals

-Content: Take a lookbook photo

-Time: Half day (5 hours excluding hair and makeup) and maybe extended

-Scope : Brand’s online mall / SNS channel

-Pay: Write model desired pay (required when applying for e-mail), Half day and hourly pay list required)


✔ Precautions for supporting profiles

Subject must include applications

Attached PPT file, not PDF

(Attach individual photo + Introduce to e-mail content and send it to career writing)

Desired Pay entry is required


Profile Email Support: AMA
