킥스타터 영상 관련해서 외국인 배우 모집합니다. Looking for 1Female, 1Male actor for a kickstarter video

JUN4B 2019.06.20 14:22:53 제작: 사비필름(4bfilm) 작품 제목: 스마트폰 마이크 킥스타터 영상 (mobile microphone for kickstarter) 감독: 사비필름(4bfilm) 극중배역: 20~30대 남성,여성배우(Male and female actors in their 20s and 30s) / 제품 소개 유튜버(Product Introduction YouTuber) 촬영기간: 7월 10,11일 2회차 (July 10,11 / The date and the number of filming times are variable.) 출연료: 하루 50만원(500.000 won a day) 모집인원: 2 모집성별: 남자, 여자 담당자: 박준현 조연출 / Park, Assistance Director 전화: 010-9424-1091 이메일: park@4bfilm.com 모집 마감일: 2019-06-26


Hi, we are looking for 1Female, 1Male actor for a kickstarter video.
It is about a mobile microphone. 

Requirements : 
1. English native speakers 
2. Memorize script and act on them.

- The shoot will be at July 10,11. (The date and the number of filming times are variable.)

- Shooting time is probably 8 to 10 hours a day.


- Location : paju or seoul


Compensation: 500,000 won a day 

Please send us infomation below

-Phone number
-Simple video (we want to hear your accent, tone and manner)


Thank you